Sofia, Bulgaria, Oct. 2018.

The begger, woman or man I could not see, did purposely turn the carton to the viewer or was it by chance? something else we may never know.
The woman in the second picture was, instead, well aware of sitting right outside of the National Health Office while smoking her sigarette.

Hidden slums (I believe) between houses and commercial buildings.

On the right, the Russian Church of Sv. Nikolay Chudotvorets reflecting on an art gallery window shop.

Lastly, the only one who seemed to notice me and see through me with their stare.
Snapshots from my first trip to Bulgaria and its capital city, Sofia. I've decided to go with something different this time with my photography and seek out for a connecting thread in my pictures.
When I photograph I like to be as discreet as possible. It is part of my character, who I am, and I believe that discretion allows for people and/or any subject to behave in their most natural way. I hate influencing my subjects, in any possible way, so I try and apply this stylistic choice wherever I go, and in whatever I do.
This was my first time in Eastern Europe, and being on a business trip, did not allow me to see and shoot as much as I would, but it still was a very nice first time. I learned a lot about the Bulgarian culture and expanded my horizons to a new piece of world and humanity.
I hope you enjoyed, as usual, and if you did give it a thumbs up.
thanks for stopping by and I wish you all the best,
- B